Apallic syndrome (Vegetative state)

 Apallic syndrome is a pathological state when one brain area (cortex) doesn’t function and another area (subcortex, stem) provides heart beating, breathing, metabolism and bowel and bladder habits.

Signs of apallic syndrome risk:

    •  Lack of contact
    • Lack of comprehension and own speech
    • Lack of conscious motions
    • Lack of consciousness of self and environment
    • Lack of basic natural instincts

The integrated non-invasive diagnostics of apallic syndrome includes: 

        1. Ultrasound of great and peripheral arteries and veins of head, hepar, kidney and limb regional circulation
        2. Capillaroscopy of the thinnest vessels of the human body
        3. ECG-screening of ischemic changes in myocard
        4. Electroencephalography – assessment of the brain functioning
        5. Somatic examination
        6. Neurological examination
        7. Rehabilitation examination – assessment of adaptiveness of the vascular system to physical and emotional loads
        8. Psychodiagnostics on the subject of exclusion of psychosomatic etiology of the disease and influence of registered and emotional loads on the vascular system

If necessary – additional consultation of relative specilaists.

The advantage of apallic syndrome diagnostics and treatment in our clinic:

The clinic’s work is based on innovative technologies of Lushchyk U.B., MD developed in the Veritas research center.

Our clinic operates with author’s innovative approaches to diagnostics and treatment of the whole human body that have been successfully applied since 1996 on the health care market:

1)    The integrated approach to assessment of pathologies of the whole human body

2)    The emphasis on the vascular system investigation as the main channel of organs’ and systems’ blood supply

3)    Unique technologies for investigation of the venous system as the system of organ outflow – a prototype of a sewerage system in the human    body

4)    Assessment of the organism’s functioning on the level of blood supply sufficiency and organ or system functioning

5)    Assessment of the organism’s adaptiveness and adequacy of its functioning on physical and psychoemotional loads

6)    Assessment of the logic of recreational (sanogenic) or pathological adaptations of the organism to different environmental changes (meteodependence, meteosensitivity, meteoropathies)

7)    Comprehension of the logic of organism’s responses to different diseases

Programs for apallic syndrome treatment in the Clinic 

Apallic syndrome requires the individual approach to diagnostics of the whole organism for identification of impaired organs and systems after injuries (trauma, intoxication, metabolic disturbance, stroke etc.). The integrated diagnostics of organ and system blood supply on the level of various vascular regions enables to identify the critical blood supply rate in organs and all the segments in the system of the vascular water line “heart-arteries-capillaries-veins-heart”. The treatment of apallic syndrome can be started even when cerebral circulation is 5-10% of the physiological age norm (that is typical of patients in coma or vegetative state and apallic syndrome) and lack of brain death signs confirmed by EEG-curve.

Effectiveness of apallic syndrome treatment in the Clinic 

Diagnostics (integrated examination) We suggest to choose the following treatment modes: out-patient, medicated or integrated treatment with rehabilitation Medical prophylaxis
We recommend Out-patient treatment Intensive medicated treatment Individually selected integrated treatment+ rehabilitation (neurorehabilitation)


  We recommend
It enables to improve health by
Monitoring during first 3 months until the stable consciousness is achieved No result +5-10% every month Self-maintaining level for 1-2 years of continuous work It is possible to achieve the level of social and vocational rehabilitation for 2-5 years of intensive rehabilitation and treatment

Successful treatment of apalic syndrome:

Success stories. Roman Shvorak

Success stories. Andrew Kozakov


TV program on Inter channel

 І в горі і в радості

“Істина та Армагедон”

 Він вийшов із коми та попросив бізнес-план

Заговорив після дев’яти місяців коми

 15-літня Галя Кривова, як після трагедії в Червонограді пролежалавкомі два місяці, досі боїться дивитись кіно. 



comaLong-term coma – doom or..?

A book is dedicated to a problem of coma and treatmetn of comatose state of patients which were  long time in coma and according to all medical canons they were  considered hopeless till now. However the experience of the Kyiv scientifically-methodical center for ultrasound medical diagnostics “Istyna” (now the Clinic of Healthy Vessels) testifies that it is time already to revise traditional approaches. In fact by means of the newest methods which are practiced by the center, such people succeed to be returned to life.

К.: “Istyna”, 2003. – 52 p. ББК 56.12 + 56.13 p 87
УДК 616.145 11-0734-8 + 616.13-073 + 616.831-005
ISBN 996-95206-0-11

Full content  Long-term coma – doom or..?

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