Diagnosis and treatment of post-Covid syndrome


After a year of working with Covid patients, most doctors understand that the consequences after the disease are quite severe, unpredictable and dangerous, even in patients with mild disease.
The main blow was taken by the brain, heart, lungs!
You can identify the main symptoms after Covid:

  • panic attacks and anxiety,
  • complaints of heart pain,
  • sleep disorders,
  • or exacerbation of chronic diseases that the patient had.

The main cause is that all patients, without exception, have a vascular system affected after Covid. This is what provokes symptoms of various kinds.

Academician of ATN of Ukraine told about lesions of the vascular bed (how to diagnose and treat)


Remember, if there are changes at the microcirculatory level – capillaries, this is the first signal to the development of the disease!
The consequences after COVID can be very dangerous!

We recommend having a check-up with VST and ECG for early detection of pathological changes in the vascular system.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones!