
Arachnoiditis – an inflammation of the arachnoid brain and / or spinal cord. It may develop as a complication after many infectious diseases.

Signs of danger of arachnoiditis development

Headache is accompanied by a feeling of pressure or fullness, nausea and sometimes vomiting, dizziness. Vomiting occurs mainly at an altitude headache. It should be noted as general weakness, increased fatigue, and emotional instability.

What to do at the beginning of arachnoiditis?

 Visit a neurologist, to CT and MRI


The consequences of untreated disease at early arachnoiditis

 Progression of disease, decrease or loss of vision. CNS lesions.


Our comprehensive approaches to arachnoiditis diagnosis

Integrated non-invasive diagnosis includes:

  1. Ultrasound diagnostics of main and peripheral arteries and veins of head, liver, kidney and limb regional circulation
  2. Capillaroscopy of the thinnest vessels of the human body
  3. ECG-screening of ischemic changes in myocardium
  4. Electroencephalography – assessment of the brain functioning
  5. Somatic examination
  6. Neurological examination
  7. Rehabilitation examination – assessment of adaptiveness of the vascular system to physical and emotional loads
  8. Psychodiagnostics on the subject of exclusion of psychosomatic etiology of the disease and influence of fixed emotional loads on the vascular system


The benefit of diagnosis and treatment of arachnoiditis at the Clinic 


The clinic’s work is based on innovative technologies of Lushchyk U.B., MD developed in the Veritas research center.

Our clinic operates with author’s innovative approaches to diagnostics and treatment of the whole human body that have been successfully applied since 1996 on the health care market:

1)    The integrated approach to assessment of pathologies of the whole human body

2)    The emphasis on the vascular system investigation as the main channel of organs’ and systems’ blood supply

3)    Unique technologies for investigation of the venous system as the system of blood outflow – a prototype of a sewerage system in the human    body

4)    Assessment of the organism’s functioning on the level of blood supply sufficiency and organ or system functioning

5)    Assessment of the organism’s adaptiveness and adequacy of its functioning on physical and psychoemotional loads

6)    Assessment of the logic of recreational (sanogenic) or pathological adaptations of the organism to different environmental changes (meteodependence, meteosensitivity, meteoropathies)

7)    Comprehension of the logic of organism’s responses to different diseases


Arachnoiditis treatment at the Clinic 


Arachnoiditis requires an individual approach to diagnostic assessment of the entire cardiovascular system.

Intravascular pressure increases inside the arterial and venous vessels due to improper blood redistribution. Only after examination of all segments in vascular water supply system “heart-arteries-capillaries-veins-heart” we can begin treatment arachnoiditis.lineartickle

Effectiveness of arachnoiditis treatment in the Clinic 


Diagnostics (integrated examination) We suggest to choose the following treatment modes: out-patient, medicated or integrated treatment with rehabilitation Medical prophylaxis
We recommend Out-patient treatment Intensive medicated treatment Individually selected integrated treatment+ rehabilitation (neurorehabilitation)


  We recommend
It enables to improve health by
Once a month +-10% a year 10% a  month +10-20% a  month Once for 3 months

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