Mental retardation (oligophrenia)

Mental retardation… Oligophrenia…

Don’t waste time:

these illnesses can be treated in childhood

Treatment is conducted as visits of all specialists according to a chart with possibility in an accessible form to give answers to question to all relatives and everyone participating in education and studies of patient with a diagnosis oligophrenia.

Some examples of innovative treatment of mental retardation

Denis T., 27 years.

He came to the clinic in January, 2012 for a course of intensive integrated treatment after carried 1 week prior to this causeless epistatus with reanimation. From anamnesis – a young man suffers for epilepsy for the last 15 years with frequent generalized tonic-clonic attacks. For long time under control of relatives he takes anticonvulsant preparations which substantially did not influence on frequency and weight of epileptic attacks. Rehabilitologists of the Clinics during kinesitherapy diagnosed utmost-subzero level of physical abilities: endurance, strength, adroitness, coordination, flexibility, speed, and also inability to combine movement tasks.


The critical level of physical training was burdened by a moderate mental backwardness which increases for the last 10 years on a background of epileptic seizures.  During the kinesitherapy course with an obligatory medicinal correction different exercises were used for renewal of the lost physical abilities and development other, which became such the leading in course of time, namely adroitness and speed. Other abilities, such as force, flexibility attained a kind level and brought to the patient some feeling of physical comfort, confidence, predominance of positive emotions. Various exercises without objects and with objects appointed for the beginning of training of attention, where part of exercises with different objects gradually developed endurance, strength and other physical skills. For example, exercises with a gymnastic stick were directed for work of upper extremities, for development of small motor activity, flexibility. Exercises near a gymnastic wall developed not only force but also endurance. During further two courses the patient had sufficient level of strength and endurance. Exercises were used with weight (squat, raising of weight before breasts with one hand).


In the total strength potential became better on 60%. Exercises with fit ball substantially developed coordination of motions and attention. Exercises with skipping rope promoted endurance on 80% from a primary level. Due to treatment his desire to play football recommenced and became a dominant, the technique of kicking (juggling) a ball became better on 80%. The capacity appeared for playing volley-ball. Practically the efficiency of mastering this game was raised from a zerolevel to 60%. With every new achievement, the self-appraisal of the patient increased, that resulted in a desire for self-perfection.

Ishtvan I., 30 years.

The fate of this young man was so that from birth he had the delay of psycho-speech development. In course of time doctors educed the mental backwardness of middle degree. General cramps with the loss of consciousness worsened the situation, which became more heavy and frequent. Studies in boarding-school were difficult, the obvious signs of worsening increased. Due to his mother, teacher, Ishtvan came to a private medical center “Istyna”, where similar patients were treated at that moment. Passing detailed diagnostics and after concilium a prolonged plan of medicinal treatment and pedagogical correction was worked out.


Kinesitherapy became inalienable part of treatment, the tasks was to find natural physical potencial at substantial imbecility. Daily training step by step make the young man from the state of disorientation in the kinesitherapy hall to adaptation not only to the educational process but also to understanding of setting of the body with possibility to manage it. Competitions with a rehabilitologist in individual playing style brought happiness with positive emotional background and understanding of essence of game influenced its results.


In few courses of trainings Ishtvan showed physical potential and at the same time insuperable desire to be perfected; became initiative, began to read the rules of playing table tennis, badminton, to search a rival. The rehabilitation plan and process of physical correction was personally selected. As the strength and endurance of Ishtvan corresponded for to his physical development, it was necessary to do an accent on coordination, adroitness, speed and flexibility. At the beginning of course the patient was uncertain in himself. During kinesitherapy Ishtvan obtained skills of work with such objects: hoops, gymnastic sticks, medical balls, fit balls, skipping rope, balls, that allowed substantially to displace the level of physical potencial already for 1 month. Due to integral approach to kinesitherapy the patient had the increased self-appraisal, improved coordination of motions on 70%, adroitness on 50%, flexibility on 60%, attention on 50%, and endurance  and strength attained a competition level, and it is very important – command voice was produced, as for the future of physical rehabilitologist.

Now the patient obtained skills of playing table tennis, badminton, volley-ball and aspires to further development. The kinesitherapist laid down the perspective plan of trainings for participating in town competitions on badminton. Thus, treatment of patients with middle and easy degree of mental backwardness is necessary to conduct in certain terms which provide the rational use of the maximal loading of physical, mental, psychological and speech character. Adequate intensive medicinal accompaniment  is an obligatory condition in achievement of success of diminishing of deficit of functions of CNS, which catalyses success of future victories over oligophrenia.

Loseva Anna Volodymyrivna – kinesitherapist in the Clinic of Healthy Vessels
Babii Igor Petrovich  – neurologist in the Clinic Healthy Vessels


Brief information about a diagnosis oligophrenia:

Oligophrenia or mental backwardness is the state, at which the considerable worsening of mental capabilities, which requires caring or supervision by other person, and also special studies.

A mental backwardness is subdivided into:

 slight mental backwardness;
 moderate mental backwardness;
 serious mental backwardness.

At slight mental backwardness people acquire speech skills with some delay, but majority from them acquires ability to use speech with the purpose of support of conversation and participate in clinical experience.  However, at an easy mental backwardness education may give considerable help, directed to development of various skills and signs of compensatory possibilities.


This state is named also imbecility (mental deficiency), and a man is named as mentally retarded. In accordance with the coefficient of intellect this state can be classified as a weak delay of mental development (IQ = 50-70), from middle to strong (IQ = 20-50), and also deep (IQ less than 20).


People, who suffer from the small delay of mental development, often can well adjust to life after corresponding education and special help. People with the middle or strong delay of mental development require more help for adaptation to life.


A mental backwardness is determined also as detained or incomplete development of psyche, which is first of all characterized by disorder of capabilities which appear in the period of maturing and provide the general level of intellectuality, id est cognitive, speech, motion and social capabilities. Backwardness can develop with any other psychical or somatic disorder, or to arise up without it.


Article the “Mental retardation is curable

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