Health of your child in your hands.
The Book “Health of your child in your hands” tells about activity of the Ukrainian scientifically-methodical center of ultrasonic medical diagnostics “Istyna/Truth” (now the Clinic of Healthy Vessels), that for four years of the work won the deserved confession in Ukraine and abroad. The book contains reflections and interviews with a leader of the center, doctor of medical sciences Ulyana Lushchyk and some other materials, dedicated to the problems of health of our children, timely detection and correct treatment of their illnesses, valuable development of rising generation. It is intended for the wide circle of readers.
Collection/ il. M.M. Karapysh. – К.: “Istyna”, 1999. – 48 p.: il. ББК 56.12 + 56.13 З 87
УДК 616.145 11-0734-8 + 616.13-073 + 616.831-005
ISBN 996-95206-0-7
Full text Health of your child in yuor hands.
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