Electroencephalography (EEG)

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a painless, harmless method for the study of brain function that enables qualitative and quantitative analysis of brain activity.
The purpose of this study is to identify impairment of mental capacity, memory and attention loss, identify various forms of epilepsy, loss of consciousness, unclear behavior, find latent signs of anxiety, depression, panic attacks in both adults and children.

EEG is prescribed in case of suspicion or presence of any brain diseases. EEG helps a doctor to make the right decision about additional examinations and treatment of the identified problem. As a rule, EEG is also prescribed after the course of treatment to test its effectiveness. Correct tretament is the key to reducing, or even disappearing of the disease.

EEG helps to detect minor, initial changes in the work of the brain, which is important for diagnosis in the early stages of pathology.

Modern electroencephalographs are widely used in various fields of medicine – from clinical EEG in the field of functional diagnostics and the detection of various mental disorders. EEG often becomes the only objective and evidential criterion for convulsive conditions of varying degrees of severity.
