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Briefly about VVD
— Often patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia are to hand. And usually, most often women. They suffer difficulties with health treatment and leave for later. Vegetative-vascular dystonia usually available in all but the early symptoms easy and people are not treated. The disease begins to show activity only after 35 years, says neurologist Igor Babii.
What is Vegetative-Vascular Dystonia?
This is a disorder of vegetative nervous system activity, which performs two main functions in the organism:
- saving and keeping homeostasis (body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, respirator rate, sweat production, metabolic rate, etc),
- mobilizing functional systems of the organism for its adaptation to environmental conditions (weather and climate changes, working conditions, stress factors and others).
- The aspect is as yet little understood – the tubular arterial and venous system of patients with VSD becomes involved, irregular lumens cause such damages as constriction, occlusion, aneurysm, and in 25% cases they trigger stroke development among young people.
How Often Does This Disease Occur?
Vegetative disorders are the most common among vascular diseases. Vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs in 80% cases of such illnesses. One third of these cases need treatment and neurological care.
When Does VVD May Appear?
First signs of VVD may appear in childhood or youth, and evident disorders – predominantly at 20-40 years of age. Women suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia three times as much as men.
What Are The Reasons of VVD?
Vegetative–vascular dystonia develops under influence of different agents:
– emotional stress;
– during hormonal alteration of the organism (puberty, pregnancy, menopause);
– change of climate zone;
– physical, intellectual and emotional overload;
– recrudescence of neurological and somatic or endocrine diseases;
– neurotic disorder.
It should be mentioned that there is an original disposition to vegetative-vascular dystonia.
What Are Symptoms of VVD?
Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are related to disorders of vegetative nervous system controlling functions in one or several systems of the organism:
– in cardiovascular system: blood pressure valuation from hypertension up to hypotension, heart rate disorder (the most common case is its acceleration – tachycardia), pain in left chest (cardialgia);
– in respiratory system: lack of breath sensation, dyspnea, suffocation, pant, accelerated and forced breathing (hyperventilation syndrome)
– in digestive system: nausea, vomiting, flatulence, heartburn, eructation, constipations, diarrhea, stomachache;
– in thermoregulatory system: low-grade fever, shivering, excessive sweating, heat-chilly sensation;
– in vestibular system: nonrotary vertigo, pre-faintness;
– in genito-urinarу system: accelerated urination, itching and pain in genitals area;
– vegetative disorders in cases of VVD always go with emotional disorders (anxiety, qualm, acrimony, fatigue, performance decrement, internal tension, low emotiveness, easy crying, sleep and appetite disorders, different fears).
When to Consult a Doctor?
– when VVD symptoms disrupt your usual mode of life and make you depart from it;
– when you constantly feel internal tension and are vulnerable to all unpleasant sensations;
– when vegetative-vascular dystonia acquires the character of panic attacks or unconsciousness;
– when such symptoms increase day by day and new unpleasant sensations join them.
What Examination Is Necessary?
It is necessary to run the integrated examination of the whole organism to detect all links of vascular system, which have disruptions of normal functioning and functional synchronization disorders of its different segments. Such an examination includes ultrasound dopplerography, US of organs and vessels, capillaroscopy, EEG, ECG, neurologist, psychologist examinations and, if necessary, endocrinologist and therapist examinations.
What Is The Prognosis?
Vegetative-vascular dystonia can be cured.
How to Treat VVD?
For stabilization of vascular and nervous systems and associated disorders cure, medication, psychotherapy, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures and others are used. Also special vitamin and mineral complexes aimed to decrease nervous fever are applied. The essential treatment course lasts mostly 4-6 months depending on disorders’ evidence. In many cases courses of maintenance therapy are held during 2-4 months.
Our Clinic offers patients with VVD the individual course of intensive medication correction of vegetative-vascular changes. Daily course of the intensive treatment during 30-40 days allows to renew vascular matrix and permeability, provides vascular structure resurfacing and promotes taking vascular and vegetative system of the patient’s organism out of a chaotic state.
I fainted the first time about four years ago. After a day of work in the country. Later this was repeated every three months. There was a feeling of weakness and weakness in the body by changing weather. I fought against the disease by pills, but fainting attacks did not want to pass. Igor Babii examined the woman on capillaroscope. As it turned out, her blood was moving very slowly, and sometimes do stop. This caused frozen feet and hands, cold fingers.