Diabetes mellitus of I type. Hypertensive illness. Interview with a patient, Ivan Sh.

Diagnosis:  diabetes mellitus of I type. Hypertensive illness of II st. Hypertensive illness of IIst. Diabetic polyneuropathy of lower extremities, mixed sensibly-vegetative-motion form, middle degree of severity. Diabetic angiopathy of retinas of both eyes. Discirculatory encephalopathy of IIst. of the mixed genesis with expressed cephalgic, vestebulo-atctic and astheno-neurotic syndrome on a background of a bilateral … Continue reading “Diabetes mellitus of I type. Hypertensive illness. Interview with a patient, Ivan Sh.”

Interview with a patient, Vej Y.M.

Diagnosis:  Discirculatory encephalopathy of IIst. of the mixed genesis with cephalgic, vestebulo-atctic and anxio-fobic syndrome. Essential tremmor, permanent form, moderate degree of expressiveness with the dysfunction of upper extremities. Cerebral atherosclerosis. Diabetes mellitus of II type. Incurability degree: high Amount of the treatment courses: 2 for 4 months.

Interview with a patient, Ishtvan

Diagnosis:  Oligophreniya, moderate degree of severity with sharply expressed social desadaptation. Delay of mental, speech and kinetic development. Remote consequences (1985) of closed craniocerebral traumas as postraumatic epilepsy without convulsive attacks. Incurability degree: high Amount of the treatment courses: 18 for 7 years. Professional orientation due to completion of Bachalor and next employment.

Interview with a patient, Denisenko Anatoliy

Diagnosis:  Symptomatic epilepsy with rare nightly secondarily-generalised convulsive attacks with a bilateral pyramidal deficit, astheno-depressive syndrome and expressed dissomnia. Incurability degree: high Amount of the treatment courses: 2 for 3 months + 1 in 13 years at appearance of the repeated convulsive attack. He does not take any antiepileptic preparations.

Tanya Girnyak

“Today it is a pleasure to watch this video – the child managed to save from a terrible diagnosis Autism with all consequences. Today Tanya is a full-fledged child who successfully realizes herself in school, in training, in creativity, with parents, grandparents. This is an example of what can be achieved by combining the knowledge … Continue reading “Tanya Girnyak”