Author: Адміністратор клініки
Всіх вітаю з Новим роком! Наснаги творити, зростати і любити. Щоб задумане здійснилося, найкраще, що маємо, примножилося. Для мене Істина не лише колиска зростання інноваційних технологій, а й місце зростання фаховості, людяності, дякуючи нашим “вчителям” та наставникам: Уляні Богданівні та Віктору Володимировичу. Міцного Вам здоров’я, сил, мудрості вести наш корабель по бурхливим міжнародним водам.
Спасибо 2017 году, он был для нас всех успешным! Успешным, потому что он многому нас научил, а значит мы стали мудрее, отдал нам много уроков хороших и жестких, просеял ненужных людей и оставил настоящих и верных друзей и коллег, и добавил новых. Спасибо, что мы здоровыми встречаем Новый Год – в этом заслуга (лично для … Continue reading “Відгук. Діаа М.”
26.10.2017 the article Cerebrovascular Disorders of Arteriovenous Balance in Psychoneurology: Personalized Medical Process Management and Analytical Vascular IT-Technology in Quality-Management of Vascular Dyshemias was published in Integrative Clinical Cardiology Journal (Scient Open Access). Full text
Son was born as a healthy child, two years he was developing according to their age: talking, singing, dancing and all interested. After ARI the baby locked, lost interest in everything – son stopped interesting in books, pictures, swimming fish … At first we were not worried about this, and later realized that something was … Continue reading “Response. Mrs. Veronica”
Today the 15th of October: the New Year and the new department for brain vessels recovery in Oman. We welcome our friends and their families back for diagnostics and treatment of neurovascular pathology in our office based at Al Amal Clinics. Happy celebration of Al-Hijra / Muharram! We wish divine grace and good health to … Continue reading “Opening of our new department at Al Amal Clinics”
Diagnosis: Epilepsy, partial polymorphic attacks with frequent (1-2 in a week) secondarily generalized tonic-clinic convulsive attacks on a background of residual signs of PEP, mixed chronic neuroinfection as a delay of mental-speech and kinetic development, bilateral, more to the left by hemitype, mildly expressed ataxia, asteno-ipochondrial syndrome. Incurability degree: high Amount of the treatment courses: … Continue reading “Success Stories. Epilepsy treatment. Andrew G.”
Diagnosis: Consequences of acute opened penetrable CCI(21.01.12), injury-crash of the brain, operation (21.01.12) for trepanation of skull with deleting of cerebral detritus and free fragments of fractures of frontal bones, plural intracranial hematomas, operation (04.08.2014) from the plastic of the skull stem in the area of front cranial fossula, apallic syndrome (vegetative state) on the … Continue reading “Success stories. Roman Shvorak. Perspectiveless vegetative syndrome… for 3 years we return to independent life.”
What is pressing? Hat? Headaches may be due to “banal” discomfort, but often it is a signal of major disorders in the body. According to medical statistics, the most patients complain on headaches. And this is so “banal” nuisance that not everyone hurry for a specialist. It is easier to drink painkilling pill, wait a … Continue reading “Headaches may be due to “banal” discomfort”
According to a legend, even the ruler of Olympus Zeus had to turn to god blacksmith Hephaestus that he broke his head by the hammer, which split from the unbearable pain. But now at least one third of humanity suffers from migraine (from Greek hemikrania – half of the skull). Among those who were in … Continue reading “Pontius Pilate’s disease struck half of humanity”
Diagnosis: Flammer-syndrome on a background of the initial displays of insufficiency of cerebral blood circulation of the mixed genesis with the protracted astheno-depressive disorders. Incurability degree: middle Amount of the treatment courses: 2
Diagnosis: Hypertensive illness of III st. State after the carried (2005) acute disorder of cerebral blood circulation in the left carotid reservoir with a right-sided spastic hemiparesis, right-sided hemihypalhesia, total aphasia and acute disorder of walking function Incurability degree: high Amount of the treatment courses: 9 for 2 years
питання: підкажіть, будь ласка, як перевірити роботу мозку? відповідь: роботу мозку при його збої необхідно перевіряти на наступних рівнях: порушення структури – МРТ головного мозку, Кровопостачання як необхідна умова життєдіяльності мозку – УЗД судин голови та шиї (артерії і вени), Функція мозку – клінічна картина за рахунок неврологічного, психологічного і якщо необхідно психіатричного статусу, Інструментальна діагностика … Continue reading “Найбільш часті запитання наших пацієнтів”