Diagnosis: Epilepsy, partial polymorphic attacks with frequent (1-2 in a week) secondarily generalized tonic-clinic convulsive attacks on a background of residual signs of PEP, mixed chronic neuroinfection as a delay of mental-speech and kinetic development, bilateral, more to the left by hemitype, mildly expressed ataxia, asteno-ipochondrial syndrome. Incurability degree: high Amount of the treatment courses: … Continue reading “Success Stories. Epilepsy treatment. Andrew G.”
Category: Success stories
Diagnosis: Consequences of acute opened penetrable CCI(21.01.12), injury-crash of the brain, operation (21.01.12) for trepanation of skull with deleting of cerebral detritus and free fragments of fractures of frontal bones, plural intracranial hematomas, operation (04.08.2014) from the plastic of the skull stem in the area of front cranial fossula, apallic syndrome (vegetative state) on the … Continue reading “Success stories. Roman Shvorak. Perspectiveless vegetative syndrome… for 3 years we return to independent life.”
Diagnosis: Flammer-syndrome on a background of the initial displays of insufficiency of cerebral blood circulation of the mixed genesis with the protracted astheno-depressive disorders. Incurability degree: middle Amount of the treatment courses: 2
Diagnosis: Hypertensive illness of III st. State after the carried (2005) acute disorder of cerebral blood circulation in the left carotid reservoir with a right-sided spastic hemiparesis, right-sided hemihypalhesia, total aphasia and acute disorder of walking function Incurability degree: high Amount of the treatment courses: 9 for 2 years
Diagnosis: Shilder Leukoencephalitis with deep spastic tetraparesis, bilateral ataxia, amavrosis, expressed bulbar syndrome, aphasia, dysosmia, the parafunction of pelvic organs, vegetative disfunction, expressed contractures of joints of extremities, s-like kifoscoliosis of 3-4 degrees of acuty. Incurability degree: extra-high Amount of the treatment courses: 15 for 5 years
Diagnosis: Discirculatory encephalopathy of I-II st. of the mixed genesis with expressed vestebulo-atactic, cephalgic, anxio-fobic and astheno-depressive syndrome, expressed midfrequency panick attacks, dissomnia on a background of the remaining phenomena of carried (2010р.) HPCC by the type of ischemia. Incurability degree: high Amount of the treatment courses: 5 for 1 year
Diagnosis: Apallic syndrome (vegetative state) on the stage of akinetic mutism as a result of the carried acute bilateral pneumonia, cerebral edema, comatose state II with expressed spastic tetraplegia, total phthalmoplegia, mildly expressed pseudobulbar syndrome, violation of functions of pelvic organs, 1-2 levels of Ranch Los Amigos scale on a background of symptomatic epilepsy with … Continue reading “Treatment of apallic syndrome. Andrew K.”
Tanya B., born in 1998 Diagnosis: Down syndrome. Arrest of psycho-speech and stato-kinetic development. Beginning of treatment: August 2004 Had 10 scheduled courses of intensive developing treatment (duration 15 days each) till October 2007 Dynamics: a) neurological: Before treatment – absence of speech comprehension and reproduction, unable to be organized, orientation reflexes without instinct of … Continue reading “Treatment of Down syndrome”
Diagnosis: Discirculatory encephalopathy Ist. of the mixed genesis with cephalgic, asthenic, slight atactic syndrome and bilateral pyramid deficit. Extended osteochondrosis of spine, spondilosis, spondiloarthrosis in the neck-thoracal and lumbar sections and with the mildly expressed syndrome of right знкшащкь muscle. Incurability degree: middle
Diagnosis: Discirculatory encephalopathy I of the mixed type with bilateral, stronger on the right, cranialgy, migrant sensestopathy, astheno-neurotic syndrome, spontaneous midfrequency panick attacks. Extended osteochondrosis, spondioarthrosis of neck-thoracal and lumbar sections. Protrusion (MRT- data) of С3-С4, С4-С5, С6-С7 intervertebral disks without signs of compression of spinal cord from mildly expressed cervicalgia. Post-traumatic mildly expressed coccyalgia. … Continue reading “Panic attacks, vascular dyshemia, interview with a patient Svitlana”
Diagnosis: Discirculatory encephalopathy Ist. of the mixed genesis with cephalgic, asthenic, slight atactic syndrome and bilateral pyramid deficit. Extended osteochondrosis of spine, spondilosis, spondiloarthrosis in the neck-thoracal and lumbar sections and with the mildly expressed syndrome of right знкшащкь muscle. Incurability degree: middle
Diagnosis: Discirculatory encephalopathy I-IIst. In vertebra-basilar reservoir with cephalgic, vestibule-cohlear and asthenic syndrome. Incurability degree: high Amount of the treatment courses: 4 for 1 year