Integrated check-up


A comprehensive approach to check-up the state of your health will allow you to assess all the problems of the body as a whole, model the cause-and-effect relationship and choose the optimal treatment plan.

The integrated check-up plan includes the following examinations:

І.    Brain neurodynamics check-up

  • Registration and analysis of normal and pathological brain rhythms in children and adults at rest and during safe stimuli.

Check-up target:

– detection of the presence and origin of reduced mental capacity, memory and attention
– detection of various forms of epilepsy, causes of loss of consciousness, the origin of incomprehensible behavior
– objectification with confirmation of hidden signs of anxiety, depression, panic attacks in adults and children.

ІІ Check-up of blood supply and conduction system of the heart

!!! One examination – 6 program ECG tests.

  • Screening of ischemic myocardial changes at rest and during dosed exercise.
  • Diagnosis of functional or life-critical heart rhythm disorders.

Check-up target:

– detection of latent pathological conditions of the myocardium

– search for the presence or absence of myocardial ischemia as a precursor of stenocardia or myocardial infarction

– establishing an accurate diagnosis at an early stage of cardiac arrhythmia

– monitoring the effectiveness of treatment with prescribed drugs

– monitoring of the heart after cardiac surgery

– determination of myocardial capacity for physical activity in children and adults.

ІІІ.  Diagnosis with visualization of the vascular system at the microcirculatory level. (Vascular screening technology).

!!!Vascular disorders begin with the microcirculatory tract

    • Screening of congenital and / or acquired pathologies in the structure of capillaries.
    • Visualization and analytical assessment of blood and blood flow in capillaries.
    • Visualization and analytical assessment of the condition of tissues outside the capillaries.
    • Assessment of general blood supply deficit and analysis of blood supply deficit in organs and systems of the human body.
    • Visualization of a health problem before its clinical manifestations.
    • Differentiation of vascular pathology – rheumatology, neurology, cardiology, etc.

Check-up target:

    • assessment of local blood supply (microvasculitis, microthrombosis, stagnation, microhemorrhage / capillary rupture, edema, spasm, etc.)
    • assessment of the general deficit of blood flow in the body and its negative impact on organs and systems
    • assessment of the state of capillary blood flow from damage to other systems (endocrine organs, urogenital system, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract)
    • identification of specific signs (microangiomarkers) of future pathology (eg, tumor markers)
    • current monitoring and final control of the effectiveness of treatment with prescribed drugs

    search for a “weak link” in the little or no effective treatment of many therapeutic and neurological diseases

IV. Study of brain macrocirculation (Angiomarkers technology)

  • Assessment of arterio-venous hydrodynamic imbalance.
  • Analytical clinical and instrumental examination of the structure and function of cerebral vessels.
  • Evaluation of about 100 hemodynamic parameters to determine the cause of vascular disorders and the formation of therapy to influence the affected parts of the cerebrovascular basin.

Check-up target:

  • determination of intersystemic causes of blood supply deficit,
  • determining the main causes of vascular dysregulation (angiodystonia),
  • detection of chronic insufficiency / instability of blood supply to the brain, which leads to serious disorders in its work and the appearance of psychoneurological symptoms (fear, headache, dizziness, nausea, numbness, etc.),
  • detection of acute deficiency of blood supply to the brain and spinal cord, which provokes neurological deficits, stroke, heart attack, panic attack, thromboembolism, etc.
  • control of effective and safe personalized treatment of existing vascular pathologies with the possibility of rapid correction of drugs, doses, concentrations, etc..

V. Detailed classical clinical and neurological examination.

Check-up target:

  • detection of deviations in the function of the nervous system from the norm at any of its levels (brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, parasympathetic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system)
  • establishment of neurological, psychological and psycho-neurological diagnosis or its confirmation by the decision of the professional council
  • monitoring the dynamics of neurological disease and therapeutic effect
  • analysis of previous courses of treatment with the choice of the safest and most effective model of correction of drug use, dose, concentration and their ratio
  • comparison of changes in the nervous system with changes at the microcirculatory, macrocirculatory and neurodynamic levels.

VI Consultation of professor, academician, MD Lushchyk U.B.

VII – Analysis of clinical and instrumental results and mathematical modeling

Analysis of clinical-instrumental results of detected abnormalities in the work of the patient’s body, mathematical modeling of detected pathology and formation of algorithms for individual treatment tactics (neurorehabilitation, angiotherapy) with the participation of Professor U.B. Lushchyk.